Sur l’agenda

octobre 2023

  • The ESSEC-CYU-Warwick Econometric workshop gathers at ESSEC Business School, 8 top scholars in econometrics, to foster discussion and collaboration on cutting-edge research ideas. It is meant to be a fertile think-thank that will strengthen the link among the three universities and boost the (...)

    3 Boulevard Bernard Hirsch - 95000 Cergy

  • The ESSEC-CYU-Warwick Econometric workshop gathers at ESSEC Business School, 8 top scholars in econometrics, to foster discussion and collaboration on cutting-edge research ideas. It is meant to be a fertile think-thank that will strengthen the link among the three universities and boost the (...)

    3 Boulevard Bernard Hirsch - 95000 Cergy

  • "Neighborhood Effects and Job Search Behaviors" joint work with Florence Goffette-Nagot
    Abstract : This paper aims to test for the influence of interactions with neighbors on job search behaviors of unemployed individuals. Using data from the 2014-2019 French Labor Force Surveys, we implement (...)

    CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4ème étage - A406

  • "Neighborhood Effects and Job Search Behaviors" joint work with Florence Goffette-Nagot
    Abstract : This paper aims to test for the influence of interactions with neighbors on job search behaviors of unemployed individuals. Using data from the 2014-2019 French Labor Force Surveys, we implement (...)

    CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4th floor - Room A406

  • "The Coherence Side of Rationality : Rules of thumb, narrow bracketing, and managerial incoherence in corporate forecasts" joint with Stefano Rossi (Bocconi).
    ABSTRACT : We present theory and evidence on the coherence of multidimensional forecasts by firms. In our normative model, internal (...)

    CY Cergy Paris University - Chênes 1 - 4th floor - room A 406

  • "The Coherence Side of Rationality : Rules of thumb, narrow bracketing, and managerial incoherence in corporate forecasts" joint with Stefano Rossi (Bocconi).
    ABSTRACT : We present theory and evidence on the coherence of multidimensional forecasts by firms. In our normative model, internal (...)

    CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4ème étage - salle 406

  • "Escrow Smart Contracts and Liquidity Risk in International Sea Trade"

    CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4ème étage - A406

  • "Escrow Smart Contracts and Liquidity Risk in International Sea Trade"

    CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4th floor - Room A406

  • "Escrow Smart Contracts and Liquidity Risk in International Sea Trade" joint work with Vincent Lehlé and Emy Lécuyer
    Abstract : International transactions between a buyer and a seller often involve a lengthy, costly, and risky stage of maritime transportation. This particular type of trade is (...)

    CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4th floor - Room A406

  • "Escrow Smart Contracts and Liquidity Risk in International Sea Trade" joint work with Vincent Lehlé and Emy Lécuyer
    Abstract : International transactions between a buyer and a seller often involve a lengthy, costly, and risky stage of maritime transportation. This particular type of trade is (...)

    CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4ème étage - A406

  • TBA

    CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4ème étage - A406

  • TBA

    CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4th floor - Room A406

  • "High-Speed Railways and the Geography of Inventors’ Collaboration : Evidence from France" (1980-2010)
    Abstract : This study explores the impact of high-speed railways (HSR) on inventor collaboration over long distances, which play as a catalyst of face-to-face interactions and knowledge (...)

    CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4ème étage - A406

  • "High-Speed Railways and the Geography of Inventors’ Collaboration : Evidence from France" (1980-2010)
    Abstract : This study explores the impact of high-speed railways (HSR) on inventor collaboration over long distances, which play as a catalyst of face-to-face interactions and knowledge (...)

    CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4th floor - Room A406

  • " Horizontal agreements about the use of a natural resource "

    CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4ème étage - salle 406

  • " Horizontal agreements about the use of a natural resource "

    CY Cergy Paris University - Chênes 1 - 4th floor - room 406