Sur l’agenda

avril 2023

  • The seminar is online only

  • "Family planning, son preference and domestic violence : evidence from the “Later, Longer, Fewer” campaign in China"
    Abstract : This paper examines the impact of China’s “Later, Longer, Fewer (LLF)” policy on domestic violence against women. The LLF policy, strictly implemented in the 1970s, has (...)

    CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4ème étage - A406

  • "Family planning, son preference and domestic violence : evidence from the “Later, Longer, Fewer” campaign in China"
    Abstract : This paper examines the impact of China’s “Later, Longer, Fewer (LLF)” policy on domestic violence against women. The LLF policy, strictly implemented in the 1970s, has (...)

    CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4th floor - Room A406

  • " Cheap talk with extreme states " (with Luke Zhao)

    CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4ème étage - salle 406

  • "Cheap talk with extreme states" (with Luke Zhao) "

    CY Cergy Paris University - Chênes 1 - 4th floor - room A 406

  • "Informing to Divert Attention"
    Abstract : We study a multidimensional Sender-Receiver game in which Receiver can acquire limited information after observing the Sender’s signal. Depending on the parameters describing the conflict of interest between Sender and Receiver, we characterise optimal (...)

    CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4th floor - Room A406

  • "Informing to Divert Attention"
    Abstract : We study a multidimensional Sender-Receiver game in which Receiver can acquire limited information after observing the Sender’s signal. Depending on the parameters describing the conflict of interest between Sender and Receiver, we characterise optimal (...)

    CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4ème étage - A406