"Health inequalities factors : Using concentration index and decomposition methods on individual European"
Abstract : Health is the most fundamental and essential good of all human beings. Being healthy helps in achieving the basic goals of life. In Europe, the reduction of health inequalities is a major problem.
The objective of this paper is, on the one hand, to measure health inequalities in European countries, and on the other hand, to measure the contribution of circumstances (factors beyond the control of individuals) and efforts (factors resulting from the choices or preferences of people). This research is based on the WHO Conceptual Framework and from the angle of the theory of inequalities of opportunity. The data used come from the EUSILC survey conducted by Eurostat with a longitudinal dimension from 2004 to 2019. It covers topics such as socio-demographic characteristics, economic characteristics, health status and housing conditions of people aged 16 years and older.
The methodology is structured in two stages under two approaches (Barry and Roemer). First, the interval regression model is implemented to highlight the explanatory factors. Then, the Wagstaff decomposition method is developed to calculate the factor contributions. The results of the regression model estimates indicate that circumstances and efforts influence health status in both approaches, confirming the WHO Conceptual Framework. In addition, the results show that circumstances, in particular socioeconomic position, contribute most directly and indirectly to health inequalities.