"Defining worldwide urban areas : A shapefile panel dataset"
CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4ème étage - A406
"Defining worldwide urban areas : A shapefile panel dataset"
CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4ème étage - A406
"Children Costs in a One-Headed Household : Empirical Evidence from the UK" & Thomas ROWLEY (ESSEC), "Granular Comparative Advantage and Multinationals"
CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4th floor - Room A406
"Market Selection and the Evolution of Bargaining Power in Labor Markets" avec Pablo Beker (pas de papier disponible, mais extended abstract en PJ) Abstract : How does firms’ ’bargaining power impact outcomes in labor markets ? How does bargaining power evolve driven by market forces ? The goal (...)
CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4ème étage - salle 406
Nathalie Picard (BETA, Université de Strasbourg) will present "The research program AFFINITE : Contents, objectives and collaboration opportunities"
Abstract : AFFINITE aims at analyzing and measuring the interactions between individuals, families, stakeholders and the State in the context of (...)
The seminar will be online only.
Nathalie Picard (BETA, Université de Strasbourg) will present "The research program AFFINITE : Contents, objectives and collaboration opportunities"
Abstract : AFFINITE aims at analyzing and measuring the interactions between individuals, families, stakeholders and the State in the context of (...)
The seminar will be online only.
"Does early marriage shape gender role attitudes ? Evidence from a schooling reform in China"
CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4th floor - Room A406
"Does early marriage shape gender role attitudes ? Evidence from a schooling reform in China"
CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4ème étage - A406
To attend the webinar, please contact webinargenderfamilyecon@gmail.com
To attend the webinar, please contact webinargenderfamilyecon@gmail.com
"Envy driven equilibrium in single peaked, single crossing cheap talk games"
(joint work with Stéphan Sémirat)
CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4ème étage - Salle 406
"Envy driven equilibrium in single peaked, single crossing cheap talk games" (joint work with Stéphan Sémirat).
CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4th Floor - Room 406
"Competitive award of scarce airport slots : an empirical analysis"
CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4th floor - Room A406
"Competitive award of scarce airport slots : an empirical analysis"
CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4ème étage - A406
" Displacement effects in Manufacturing ”
CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4th Floor - Room 406
“Displacement effects in Manufacturing”
CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4ème étage - Salle 406
"Optimal Taxation of robots in a search equilibrium model"
CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4th floor - Room A406
"Optimal Taxation of robots in a search equilibrium model"
CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4ème étage - A406
"Harsanyi’s Impartial Observer Theorem with Ambiguity"
CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4ème étage - A406
"Harsanyi’s Impartial Observer Theorem with Ambiguity"
CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4th floor - Room A406
To attend the webinar, please contact webinargenderfamilyecon@gmail.com
To attend the webinar, please contact webinargenderfamilyecon@gmail.com
""The role of caseworkers in the labor market integration of young unemployed : Evidence from France""
joint with Pierre Villedieu, Sciences Po
The abstract : Young people face many difficulties to enter in the labor market after school. Youth centers, called "missions locales", are specially (...)
CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4th floor - Room A406
"The role of caseworkers in the labor market integration of young unemployed : Evidence from France"
joint with Pierre Villedieu, Sciences Po
The abstract : Young people face many difficulties to enter in the labor market after school. Youth centers, called "missions locales", are specially (...)
CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4ème étage - A406