To attend the webinar, please contact
Sur l’agenda
septembre 2021
Christine Valente - University of Bristol -
Christine Valente - University of Bristol To attend the webinar, please contact
David DE LA CROIX - UC LOUVAIN Nepotism vs. Intergenerational Transmission of Human Capital in Academia (1088-1800) [with M. Goñi] Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4ème étage - salle 406
David DE LA CROIX - UC LOUVAIN Nepotism vs. Intergenerational Transmission of Human Capital in Academia (1088-1800) [with M. Goñi] Cergy Paris University - Chênes 1 - 4th floor - room A 406
Jean-Louis Deneubourg - Université libre de Bruxelles “Aggregation on an Artificial Patchy Environment”
CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1
Jean-Louis Deneubourg - Université libre de Bruxelles “Aggregation on an Artificial Patchy Environment”
CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1
Jacques THISSE - UC LOUVAIN " Working from home : Too much of a good thing ? "
CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4ème étage - salle 406
Jacques THISSE - UC LOUVAIN " Working from home : Too much of a good thing ? "
CY Cergy Paris University - Chênes 1 - 4th floor - room A 406
Romuald LE FRIOUX -THEMA "Defining worldwide urban areas : A shapefile panel dataset"
CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4ème étage - A406
Romuald LE FRIOUX -THEMA "Defining worldwide urban areas : A shapefile panel dataset"
CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4th floor - Room A406
Isabelle Chort - Université de Pau et des pays de l’Adour To attend the webinar, please contact
Isabelle Chort - Université de Pau et des pays de l’Adour To attend the webinar, please contact
Morgan Ubeda - LIEPP, Sciences Po "Transport Infrastructures and Income Disparities within Cities”
Abstract : This paper studies the effect of transportation networks on spatial inequalities and redistribution within metropolitan areas. To do so, I build and calibrate a spatial equilibrium model of a city that features (...)CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1
Morgan Ubeda - LIEPP, Sciences Po "Transport Infrastructures and Income Disparities within Cities”
Abstract : This paper studies the effect of transportation networks on spatial inequalities and redistribution within metropolitan areas. To do so, I build and calibrate a spatial equilibrium model of a city that features (...)CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1
Xavier LAMBIN - ESSEC "Algorithmic explainability and obfuscation under regulatory audits"
CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4th floor - Room A406
Xavier LAMBIN - ESSEC "Algorithmic explainability and obfuscation under regulatory audits"
CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4ème étage - A406
Régis RENAULT-THEMA "Using product information for online screening and targeting"
CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4th floor - Room A406
Régis RENAULT-THEMA "Using product information for online screening and targeting"
CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4ème étage - A406
Alessandro ISPANO-THEMA "Persuasion under model persuasion"
CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4ème étage - A406
Alessandro ISPANO-THEMA "Persuasion under model persuasion"
CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4th floor - Room A406
Flore TCHOUANTE-THEMA "Bayesian social aggregation with almost-objective uncertainty"
CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4th floor - Room A406
Flore TCHOUANTE-THEMA "Bayesian social aggregation with almost-objective uncertainty"
CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4ème étage - A406
Alfonso MONTES-THEMA "Directing search with product information"
CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4ème étage - A406
Alfonso MONTES-THEMA "Directing search with product information"
CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4th floor - Room A406
Hafedh BOUAKEZ - HEC MONTREAL " The Sectoral Origins of the Spending Multiplier "
CY Cergy Paris University - Chênes 1 - 4th floor - room A 406
Hafedh BOUAKEZ - HEC MONTREAL " The Sectoral Origins of the Spending Multiplier "
CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4ème étage - salle 406
Anderson VIL- THEMA "Children Costs in a One-Headed Household : Empirical Evidence from the UK" & Thomas ROWLEY (ESSEC), "Granular Comparative Advantage and Multinationals"
CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 -4ème étage - salle 406
Anderson VIL- THEMA "Children Costs in a One-Headed Household : Empirical Evidence from the UK" & Thomas ROWLEY (ESSEC), "Granular Comparative Advantage and Multinationals"
CY Cergy Paris Université - Chênes 1 - 4th floor - Room A406