Sur l’agenda

janvier 2018

  • "Bewley ’meet’ Gilboa and Schmeidler : Legitimate preferences under uncertainty"
    with Gil Riella and Efe Ok

    UCP - Chênes 1 - 4th floor - Room B420

  • "Search Direction : Position Externalities and Position Bias"
    Abstract. A tractable model of pricing under directed search is proposed where firms have ex ante heterogeneous demands. Equilibrium product prices are such that the marginal consumer’s surplus decreases in the order of search. (...)

    UCP - Chênes 1 - 4ème étage - Salle B420

  • "Search Direction : Position Externalities and Position Bias"
    Abstract. A tractable model of pricing under directed search is proposed where firms have ex ante heterogeneous demands. Equilibrium product prices are such that the marginal consumer’s surplus decreases in the order of search. (...)

    UCP - Chênes 1 - 4th floor - Room B420

  • Quand le leadership institutionnel transcende l’aventure coopérative.
    Le cas d’une dynastie chez Tereos.

    UCP - Chênes 1 - 4th Floor - Room B421

  • "The Effectiveness of Protecting Species Through Legislation : The Case of Sea Turtle Lighting Ordinances"

    UCP - Chênes 1 - 4ème étage - Salle B422

  • "The Effectiveness of Protecting Species Through Legislation : The Case of Sea Turtle Lighting Ordinances"

    UCP - Chênes 1 - 4th Floor - Room B422

  • "Household risk, individual risk and inequality aversion : an experimental study"

    UCP - Les Chênes 1 - floor 4th - Room B422

  • "Household risk, individual risk and inequality aversion : an experimental study"

    UCP - Chênes 1 - 4ème étage - Salle B422

  • "Utilitarianism with partially known utilities"

    UCP - Chênes 1 - 4th floor - Room B422

  • " Democratization and the conditional dynamics of income distribution "

    UCP - Chênes 1 - 3rd floor - room C 442

  • " Democratization and the conditional dynamics of income distribution "

    UCP - Chênes 1 - 4ème étage - salle C 442

  • Quand le leadership institutionnel transcende l’aventure coopérative.
    Le cas d’une dynastie chez Tereos.

    UCP - Chênes 1 - 4ème étage - Salle B421

  • "Utilitarianism with partially known utilities"

    UCP - Chênes 1 - 4ème étage - Salle B422

  • " Mission Drift in Microcredit : A Contract Theory Approach "
    Co-authored with David Ettinger, Baptiste Venet

    UCP - Chênes 1 - 4ème étage - salle C 442

  • " Mission Drift in Microcredit : A Contract Theory Approach "
    Co-authored with David Ettinger, Baptiste Venet

    UCP - Chênes 1 - 4th floor - room C 442

  • "Health Consequences of Sterilizations"
    (Joint with Christelle Dumas)

    UCP - Chênes 1 - 4ème étage - Salle B422

  • "Health Consequences of Sterilizations"
    (Joint with Christelle Dumas)

    UCP - Chênes 1 - 4th floor - Room B422

  • "Club good mechanisms : from free-riders to citizen-shareholders, from impossibility to characterization"
    joint work with Christian Trudeau
    Paper attached.
    Abstract. Consider a community that shares a technology for producing a club good (Buchanan, 1965) : any group of agents can "win" for (...)

    UCP - Chênes 1 - 4th floor - Room B422

  • "Club good mechanisms : from free-riders to citizen-shareholders, from impossibility to characterization"
    joint work with Christian Trudeau
    Paper attached.
    Abstract. Consider a community that shares a technology for producing a club good (Buchanan, 1965) : any group of agents can "win" for (...)

    UCP - Chênes 1 - 4ème étage - Salle B422

  • "Démocratie représentative pondérée"

    UCP - Chênes 1 - 4th Floor - Room B421

  • "Démocratie représentative pondérée"

    UCP - Chênes 1 - 4ème étage - Salle B421

  • “Heterogeneity in time and risk preferences in smoking prevalence"

    UCP - Chênes 1 - 4th Floor - Room B421

  • “Heterogeneity in time and risk preferences in smoking prevalence"

    UCP - Chênes 1 - 4ème étage - Salle B421

janvier 2018 :

décembre 2017 | février 2018