"Resale in Second-Price Auctions with Costly Participation" (joint with Gorkem Celik)
Sur l’agenda
novembre 2014
Okan Yilankaya, Koç University -
Gani Aldashev, THEMA "Tribes and Ploughs : Clan institutions and production decisions of Kazakhs under Russian colonization"
Stéphane Gauthier, University Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne "Many person Ramsey rule and nonlinear income taxation" co-écrit avec Fanny Henriet
Gilles de Truchis, THEMA "Unbalanced Fractional Cointegration and the No-Arbitrage Condition on Commodity Markets"
Adeline Delavande, University of Essex " University Choice : The Role of Expected Earnings,Non-pecuniary Outcomes and Financial Constraints "