"The segregative properties of endogenous jurisdiction formation with a land market and multiple public goods"
Sur l’agenda
septembre 2012
Rémy Oddou, THEMA -
Tania El Kalleb, THEMA ESSEC "How did the nature of colonization shape trade patterns within the colonies ? Case of France"
Anna Simoni, THEMA "Semiparametric Bayesian Partially Identified Model based on Support Function" joint with Yuan Liao
Desdoigts Alain, Université Paris Est " Deforestation, migration, land saturation and reforms : Rural resilience and land disputes in the Ivory Coast."
Choi Dong Ook, THEMA " Competition in Online Media Market : information Congestion and Multi-Homing Users "
Mastrubuoni Giovanni, Collegio Carlo Alberto Turin " Police and Clearance Rates : Evidence from Recurrent Redeployments Within a City "