"The effect of spillovers and congestion on the formation of jurisdictions"
Sur l’agenda
janvier 2012
Rémy Oddou, THEMA -
Sidartha Gordon, Université de Montréal "Iteratively Stable Cheap Talk "
Fabrizio Colonna, Bank of Italy, Coauthor E.Ciapanna "Retail Sector Concentration, Consumer Prices and SMES Performance"
Myra Yazbeck, McGill University " Peer Effects, Fast Food Consumption and Adolescent Weight Gain "
Paul Makdissi, Université d’Ottawa "Pro-poor tax reforms, with an application to Mexico "
Hui Song, THEMA "Ordered Search and Price Competition with Asymmetric Product Design"
Olivier Scaillet , Université de Genève et Swiss Finance Institute "Time-varying risk premium in large cross-sectional equity datasets"
Jacco Thijssen, University of York " Equilibria in Continuous Time Preemption Games with Spectrally-Negative Markovian Payoffs "
Maelys de La Rupelle, Université de Namur " Thèmes de Recherche : Microéconométrie, économie du développement "
Javant Vivek Ganglui, University of Nottingham "Pricing effects of Ambiguous private information "