"Managers ’ Mobility, Trade Status, and Wages "
Sur l’agenda
décembre 2011
Giordano Mion, London School of Economics -
Isabelle Vialle, THEMA "Self-Confidence and Teamwork : an Experimental Test "
Itzhak Gilboa, HEC Paris "Authorisation Decisions"
Thepthida Sopraseuth, Université de Mains " Optimal Unemployment Insurance for Older Workers "
Thomas Trégouët, THEMA "Gender-Based Price Discrimination in Matching Markets"
Pavlo Blavatskyy, Université d’Innsbruck "Modeling Ambiguity Aversion as Aversion to Utility Dispersion Caused by Ambiguous Events "
Rémy Oddou, THEMA "The effect of spillovers and congestion on the formation of jurisdictions"