"Couple Résidential Location and Spouses Workplaces " avec Pierre-André Chiappori et André de Palma
Sur l’agenda
avril 2011
Nathalie Picard, THEMA -
Philippe Choné, ENSAE "Leaving the door ajar : Nonlinear pricing by a dominant firm"
Hélène Couprie, THEMA "Power in the Family and the Labor market : strategic evidences " co-écrit avec Habiba Djebarri ( CIPREE, Université de Laval)
Tiago Cavalcanti, Université de Cambridge "The Effects of Credit Subsidies on Development"
Giorgio Belletini, Université de Bologne "Political Barriers to Innovation and Growth"
Gianmarco Ottaviano, Bocconi University "Market Size, Competition, and The Product Mix of Exporters "
Pamela Bombarda, THEMA "Unilateral trade reform, Market Access and Foreign Competition : the Patterns of Multi-Product Exporters"
Thomas Mariotti, Toulouse School of Economics "Non-Exclusive Competition under Adverse Selection"