"Are small business groups an organizational strategy that
promotes growth ? Evidence from French SMEs.
Sur l’agenda
mars 2011
Anaïs Hamelin, Université de Strasbourg -
Marcelo Olarreaga, Université de Genève "The Inequality Bias of Africa’s Trade Policy "
Fabienne Llense, Ecole d’Economie de Paris French CEOs’ compensations : what is the cost of a mandatory upper limit ?
History of Economics as Culture (Histoire des savoirs économiques) April 8, 2011.
3rd Annual Workshop, Friday April 8th, 2011 History of ‘Economics as Culture’ Université de Cergy-Pontoise, Les Chênes II, Salle des Thèses This workshop, which is organized on behalf of THEMA (CNRS UMR 8184), EconomiX (CNRS UMR 7235) and the Cachan History of Social Science (...) -
Antoine Bozio, Institute for Fiscal Studies "Reforming Disability Insurance in The UK : Evaluation of the Pathways to Work Programme "
Pablo Beker, Université de Warwick "A General Equilibrium Explanation For Financial Markets Anomalies : Belief Heterogeneity under Limited Enforceability"