MORRENO-TERNERO Juan, University of Seville (cancelled) "Baseline Rationing"
Sur l’agenda
septembre 2010
23-09-2010 -
Juan Moreno Ternero, University of Sevilla Séminaire annulé
Pierre André, THEMA "Koranic Schools in Senegal : A real barrier to formal education ?"
30-09-2010 JACQUET Laurence, NHH Bergen "Optimal Redistributive Taxation with both Extensive and Intensive Responses"
Laurence Jacquet, NHH Bergen "Optimal Redistributive Taxation with both Extensive and Intensive Responses"
Olivier Donni, THEMA "Learning from a piece of pie"
07-10-2010 Juan MORENO TERNERO, University Of Seville
"Baseline Rationing" -
Juan Moreno Ternero, University of Sevilla "Baseline Rationing"
Rodrigo Paillacar, THEMA "Footloose Cities in Terra Incognita : Stability of Spanish city distribution in the New World"
Yves Zenou, Stockholm University "Criminal Networks : Who is the Key Player ?"
14-10-2010 Yves Zenou, Stockholm University
"Criminal Networks : Who is the Key Player ?" -
Christelle Dumas, THEMA "Market imperfections and child labor"
Maarten Janssen, University of Vienna "Signaling and Disclosure of Product Quality with Price Competition"
21-10-2010 Maarten C.W. Janssen, University of Vienna
"Signaling and Disclosure of Product Quality with Price