"How could the congruence model explain co-branding effectiveness ?"
Sur l’agenda
juin 2010
Nathalie Fleck -
Gael Giraud, PSE "Nominal Uniqueness and Money Non-neutrality in the Limit-Price Exchange Process"
Charbel Bassil "Sources of fluctuations in US output and inflation between 1960 and 2008. A sign restriction approach"
Eugenio Peluso, Università degli Studi di VERONA "Benchmark-Based Comparisons of Distribution Functions"
salle 403, 4ème étage
Arnaud Lefranc "Changes in intergenerational earnings mobility across cohorts,
France, 1933-1976." -
Ofer Azar, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev "Does relative thinking exist in mixed compensation schemes"
salle 403, 4ème étage
Régis Renault "Push-me-pull-you : Comparative advertising in the US OTC analgesics industry"