"Regulating unverifiable quality by fixed-price contracts"
salle 403, 4ème étage
"Regulating unverifiable quality by fixed-price contracts"
salle 403, 4ème étage
"Financial development and entrepreneurship"
"Shadow Sorting and the Lighthouse Effect"
salle 403, 4ème étage
"Is grade repetition one of the causes of early school dropout ? Evidence from Senegalese primary schools"
"A Political Economy Perspective of the Chinese Government Tactical Behavior"
salle 403, 4ème étage
"Reconciling Work and Family Life : The Effect of the French Paid Parental Leave"
"Pricing in Matching Markets"
salle 403, 4ème étage
"Education and the political economy of environmental protection"
"Asymmetric CAPM dependence for large dimensions : the Canonical Vine Autoregressive Mode"
salle 403, 4ème étage