"Firm heterogeneity, rules of origin and rules of cumulation"
Sur l’agenda
février 2010
Pamela Bombarda -
Denis Gromb, INSEAD "Financially Constrained Arbitrage and Cross-Market Contagion"
salle 403, 4ème étage
Hiba Hajj Chehade "Why do SMEs choose multiple banking relationships ? Evidence from Belgium"
Emre Ozdenoren, London Business School "Trading Frenzies and Their Impact on Real Investment"
salle 403, 4ème étage
Elsa Orgiazzi "Who bears the cost of currency crises ?", co-écrit avec P. Maarek.
Michelle Goeree University of Souther California "Do Research Joint Ventures Serve a Collusive Function ?"
salle 403, 4ème étage