"Political Competition over Distortionary Taxation"
Sur l’agenda
novembre 2009
Matias Nunez -
Gwenaël Piaser, Luxembourg School of Finance "Direct Mechanisms, Menus and Latent Contracts"
salle 403, 4ème étage
Michael Visser, Paris School of Economics "Testing for asymmetric information in the viager Market"
salle 403, 4ème étage
Stefano Bosi "Time, Bifurcations and Economic Applications"
Marion Oury "Continuous Implementation"
Paola Manzini, Queen Mary, University of London "Choice by Lexicographic Semiorders"
salle 403, 4ème étage
Olivier Charlot "Unemployment, informality and the impact of product and labour market regulations in developing countries"
Thierry Verdier, Paris School of Economics "The Political Economy of State Capacity Building and Redistribution in Elite Dominated Societies"
salle 403, 4ème étage