Picard Nathalie
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Microéconométrie, modèles de choix discrets, économie expérimentale, économie du risque, modèles collectifs, économie des transports, démographie économique, évaluation des politiques publiques.
Mobility decisions within couples Picard Nathalie, Sophie Dantan, André de Palma , Theory and decision, 84 (2), p.149-180, 2018 -
Special issue in the Honor of Daniel McFadden : Introduction Picard Nathalie, A. de Palma, M. Ben-Akiva , Theory and decision, 84 (2), p.149-180, 2018 -
A New Evaluation and Decision Making Framework Investigating the Elimination-by-Aspects Model in the Context of Transportation Projects’ Investment Choices Picard Nathalie, Khraibani R., A. de Palma, I. Kaysi , Transport Policy, 45 , p.67-81, 2016 -
Effect of an Accessibility Measure in a Model for Choice of Residential Location, Workplace, and Type of employment Picard Nathalie, A. de Palma, I. Inoa , Mathematical Population Studies, 22 (1), p.4-36, 2015 -
Trip-timing decisions and congestion with household scheduling preferences, Picard Nathalie, A. de Palma, R. Lindsey , Economics of Transportation, 4 (1-2), p.118-131, 2015 -
Risk and uncertainty in urban and transport economics Picard Nathalie, A. de Palma, M. de Lapparent , Mathematical Population Studies, 22 (1), p.1-3, 2015 -
Risky time prospects and travel demand Picard Nathalie, A. de Palma, M. de Lapparent , Mathematical Population Studies, 21(4) (Numéro spécial), 2014 -
Les inégalités intrafamiliales d’éducation en France Picard Nathalie, F.-C. Wolff , Revue economique, 94-6 , p.813-840, 2014 -
Beware of black swans : Taking stock of the description–experience gap in decision under uncertainty Picard Nathalie, André de Palma, Mohammed Abdellaoui, Giuseppe Attanasi, Moshe Ben-Akiva, Ido Erev, Helga Fehr-Duda, Dennis Fok, Craig R. Fox, Ralph Hertwig, Peter P. Wakker, Joan L. Walker, Martin Weber , Marketing letters, 25(3) , p.269-280, 2014 -
Intra-household discrete choice models of mode choice and residential location Picard Nathalie, A. de Palma, S. Dantan , International journal of transport economics, XL (3), p.419-445, 2013 -
Social Crisis Prevention : A Political Alert Index for the Israel-Palestine Conflict Picard Nathalie, A. de Palma, F. Perali, R. Ricciuti Roberto. A. Scorbureanu , Peace economics, peace science and public policy, 19 (2), p.103-122, 2013 -
Risk Aversion, the Value of Information, and Traffic Equilibrium Picard Nathalie, De Palma André; Lindsey, Robin , Transportation science, 46 , p.1-26, 2012 -
Risk in Transport investments Picard Nathalie, Andrieu L., De Palma A. , Networks and spatial economics, 12 , p.187-204, 2012 -
Individual and couple decision behavior under risk : evidence on the dynamics of power balance Picard Nathalie, de Palma A., A. Ziegelmeyer , Theory and decision, 70(1) , p.45-64, 2011 -
Transport, Risk and Individual Choices Picard Nathalie, de Palma A. , Journal of Intelligent Transport Systems, 14(3) , p.125-128, 2010 -
Les besoins des démo-économistes en matière d’appariements sécurisés Picard Nathalie, C. Quantin, B. Riandey, A. Solaz , Courrier de Statistiques, p.129, 2010 -
Measuring educational inequalities : a method and an application to Albania Picard Nathalie, Wolff F.-C. , Journal of population economics, 23 (3), p.989-1023, 2010 -
Risk, Uncertainty and Discrete Choice Models Picard Nathalie, De Palma, André, Ben-Akiva M., Brownstone D., Holt C., Magnac Thierry, McFadden Daniel, Moffatt P.; , Marketing letters, 19 , p.269-285 , 2008 -
Bibliographie critique sur ’Inequality, Welfare and Income Distribution : Experimental Approaches’ Picard Nathalie, Population, 2007 -
Discrete choice models with capacity constraints : an empirical analysis of the housing market of the greater Paris region Picard Nathalie, De Palma A., Waddell P. , Journal of urban economics, 62 (2), p.204-230, 2007 -
Accessibility and environmental quality : inequality in the Paris housing market Picard Nathalie, De Palma A., Motamedi K., Waddell P. , European transport/trasporti europei, 36 , p.47-74, 2007 -
Equilibria and Information Provision in Risky Networks with Risk Averse Drivers Picard Nathalie, De Palma A. , Transportation science, 40-4 , p.393-408, 2006 -
Route Choice Decision and Travel Time Uncertainty Picard Nathalie, De Palma A. , Transportation research a, 39 (4), p.295-324, 2005 -
A Model of Residential Location Choice with Endogenous Housing Prices and Traffic for the Paris Region Picard Nathalie, De Palma A., Motamedi K., Waddell P. , European transport/trasporti europei, 31 , p.67-82, 2005 -
Evaluation des effets de l’intéressement Aubry sur l’activité des bénéficiaires des minina sociaux à la Réunion Picard Nathalie, Alibay N., Trannoy A. , Revue economique, 2005 -
Une estimation des conséquences d’une réforme des minima sociaux sur l’offre de travail à l’aide d’un modèle intertemporel de microsimulation Picard Nathalie, Gravel N., Hagneré C. , Economie publique, p.3-44, 2004 -
Distributive Politics and Electoral Competition Picard Nathalie, Laslier J.-F. , Journal of economic theory, 103 (1), p.106-130, 2002 -
Une évaluation de l’impact incitatif et redistributif d’une réforme des minima sociaux Picard Nathalie, Trannoy A., Gravel N., Hagneré C. , Revue française d’economie, 16 (1), p.125-167, 2001
Documents de travail
Borrowing constraints and location choice - Evidence from the Paris Region
Picard Nathalie, Sophie Dantan , 2019-05, 2019 -
L’accès aux données très détaillées pour la recherche scientifique
Picard Nathalie, Kamel Gadouche , 2017-06, 2017 -
A New Evaluation and Decision Making Framework Investigating the Elimination-by-Aspects Model in the Context of Transportation Projects’ Investment Choices
Picard Nathalie, R. Khraibania, A. de Palma, I. Kaysi , 2016-01, 2016 -
Trip-timing decisions and congestion with household scheduling preferences
Picard Nathalie, André de Palma, Robin Lindsey , 2015-12, 2015 -
Modelling mode choice within couples
Picard Nathalie, Sophie Dantan, André de Palma , 2015-17, 2015 -
Les inégalités intra-familiales d’éducation en France Picard Nathalie, François- Charles Wolff , 2014-04, 2014 -
Discrete Choice Decision-Making with Multiple Decision Makers within the Household Picard Nathalie, André de Palma, Ignacio A. Inoa , 2013-03, 2013 -
Social Crisis Prevention : A Political Alert Index for the Israel-Palestine Conflict Picard Nathalie, André De Palma, Federico Perali, Roberto Ricciuti, Alexandrina Scorbureanu , 2013-26, 2013 -
Employment and Business Evolution and Location Choice in Paris Area Picard Nathalie, Kiarash Motamedi, André de Palma , 2013-28, 2013 -
Intra-household discrete choice models of mode choice and residential location Picard Nathalie, André de Palma, Sophie Dantan , 2013-33, 2013 -
Risk, Uncertainty and Discrete Choice Models Picard Nathalie, Joan Walker, Peter Wakker, Kenneth Train, Peter Moffatt, Daniel McFadden, Thierry Magnac, Charles Ho , 2008-02, 2008 -
Evaluation des effets de l’alignement du RMI et de l’API sur l’emploi des bénéficiaires des minima sociaux Picard Nathalie, Alibay N., Trannoy A. , 4or : a quarterly journal of operations research, Document de travail THEMA, 2006-10, 2006 -
Birth Order, and Sibling Sex-Composition Effects in the Study of Education and Wages Picard Nathalie, Prieto A., Gary-Bobo J.R. , Document de travail CEPR, 5514, 2006 -
Route Choice behavior with risk averse users Picard Nathalie, De Palma A. , THEMA, 2004-09, 2004 -
L’importance des incitations financières dans l’obtention d’un emploi est-elle surestimée ? Picard Nathalie, Hagneré C., Trannoy A., Van Der K. , 4or : a quarterly journal of operations research, Institut d'economie publique, 0311, 2003 -
Minima sociaux et offre de travail : Evaluation d’une réforme à l’aide d’un modèle de microsimulation dynamique Picard Nathalie, Gravel N., Hagneré C. , 4or : a quarterly journal of operations research, THEMA, 2000-52, 2000 -
Distributive politics : does electoral competition promote inequality ? Picard Nathalie, Laslier J.-F. , CORE Discussion Papers, 2000022, 2000 -
Dividing One Euro, Democratically Picard Nathalie, Laslier J.-F. , THEMA, 99-23, 1999
Contribution à un livre
Urban sustainability and individual/household well-being Picard Nathalie, C. Antoniou , Ch. 5, A. Michelangeli Ed., Routledge, 2015 -
Econometric methods for land use microsimulation Picard Nathalie, C. Antoniou , Integrated transport and land use modeling for sustainable cities, Ch. 2.8, R Hurtubia & P. Waddell (eds.), 2014 -
Discrete Choice Decision-Making with Multiple Decision Makers within the Household Picard Nathalie, A. de Palma, I. Inoa , Handbook of Choice Modelling, Chapitre 16, p. 363-382 , Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 2014 -
Application of UrbanSim in Paris (Ile-de-France) Case study Picard Nathalie, A. de Palma, K. Motamedi , Integrated transport and land use modeling for sustainable cities, Ch. 4.2, R Hurtubia & P. Waddell (eds.), 2014 -
Modeling real estate investment decisions in households Picard Nathalie, A. de Palma, M. de Lapparent , Integrated transport and land use modeling for sustainable cities, Ch. 2.2, R Hurtubia & P. Waddell (eds.), 2014 -
Intra-household Decision models of Residential and Job Location Picard Nathalie, A. de Palma, I. Inoa , Integrated transport and land use modeling for sustainable cities, Ch. 2.4, R Hurtubia & P. Waddell (eds.), 2014 -
Urban sustainability and individual/household well-being Picard Nathalie, C. Antoniou , Quality of Life in Cities - Equity, Sustainable Development and Happiness from a Policy Perspective, Ch. 4, Routledge, 2014 -
Intégration du risque et de l’incertitude dans la construction du calcul économique Picard Nathalie, De Palma A., Andrieu L. , Le calcul économique - nouvelles perspectives, Economica, 2007 -
Route choice behaviour with risk-averse users Picard Nathalie, De Palma A , Spatial Dynamics, Networks and Modelling, Edward Elgar, 2006 -
Urban Passenger Travel Demand Picard Nathalie, De Palma A., Lindsey R. , The Blackwell Companion to Urban Economics, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2005