Picard Nathalie
Chercheur Associé
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Microéconométrie, modèles de choix discrets, économie expérimentale, économie du risque, modèles collectifs, économie des transports, démographie économique, évaluation des politiques publiques.
Special issue in the Honor of Daniel McFadden : Introduction Picard Nathalie, A. de Palma, M. Ben-Akiva , Theory and decision, 84 (2), p.149-180, 2018 -
Mobility decisions within couples Picard Nathalie, Sophie Dantan, André de Palma , Theory and decision, 84 (2), p.149-180, 2018 -
A New Evaluation and Decision Making Framework Investigating the Elimination-by-Aspects Model in the Context of Transportation Projects’ Investment Choices Picard Nathalie, Khraibani R., A. de Palma, I. Kaysi , Transport Policy, 45 , p.67-81, 2016 -
Trip-timing decisions and congestion with household scheduling preferences, Picard Nathalie, A. de Palma, R. Lindsey , Economics of Transportation, 4 (1-2), p.118-131, 2015 -
Risk and uncertainty in urban and transport economics Picard Nathalie, A. de Palma, M. de Lapparent , Mathematical Population Studies, 22 (1), p.1-3, 2015 -
Effect of an Accessibility Measure in a Model for Choice of Residential Location, Workplace, and Type of employment Picard Nathalie, A. de Palma, I. Inoa , Mathematical Population Studies, 22 (1), p.4-36, 2015 -
Les inégalités intrafamiliales d’éducation en France Picard Nathalie, F.-C. Wolff , Revue economique, 94-6 , p.813-840, 2014 -
Beware of black swans : Taking stock of the description–experience gap in decision under uncertainty Picard Nathalie, André de Palma, Mohammed Abdellaoui, Giuseppe Attanasi, Moshe Ben-Akiva, Ido Erev, Helga Fehr-Duda, Dennis Fok, Craig R. Fox, Ralph Hertwig, Peter P. Wakker, Joan L. Walker, Martin Weber , Marketing letters, 25(3) , p.269-280, 2014 -
Risky time prospects and travel demand Picard Nathalie, A. de Palma, M. de Lapparent , Mathematical Population Studies, 21(4) (Numéro spécial), 2014 -
Intra-household discrete choice models of mode choice and residential location Picard Nathalie, A. de Palma, S. Dantan , International journal of transport economics, XL (3), p.419-445, 2013 -
Social Crisis Prevention : A Political Alert Index for the Israel-Palestine Conflict Picard Nathalie, A. de Palma, F. Perali, R. Ricciuti Roberto. A. Scorbureanu , Peace economics, peace science and public policy, 19 (2), p.103-122, 2013 -
Risk Aversion, the Value of Information, and Traffic Equilibrium Picard Nathalie, De Palma André; Lindsey, Robin , Transportation science, 46 , p.1-26, 2012 -
Risk in Transport investments Picard Nathalie, Andrieu L., De Palma A. , Networks and spatial economics, 12 , p.187-204, 2012 -
Individual and couple decision behavior under risk : evidence on the dynamics of power balance Picard Nathalie, de Palma A., A. Ziegelmeyer , Theory and decision, 70(1) , p.45-64, 2011 -
Transport, Risk and Individual Choices Picard Nathalie, de Palma A. , Journal of Intelligent Transport Systems, 14(3) , p.125-128, 2010 -
Les besoins des démo-économistes en matière d’appariements sécurisés Picard Nathalie, C. Quantin, B. Riandey, A. Solaz , Courrier de Statistiques, p.129, 2010 -
Measuring educational inequalities : a method and an application to Albania Picard Nathalie, Wolff F.-C. , Journal of population economics, 23 (3), p.989-1023, 2010 -
Risk, Uncertainty and Discrete Choice Models Picard Nathalie, De Palma, André, Ben-Akiva M., Brownstone D., Holt C., Magnac Thierry, McFadden Daniel, Moffatt P.; , Marketing letters, 19 , p.269-285 , 2008 -
Discrete choice models with capacity constraints : an empirical analysis of the housing market of the greater Paris region Picard Nathalie, De Palma A., Waddell P. , Journal of urban economics, 62 (2), p.204-230, 2007 -
Accessibility and environmental quality : inequality in the Paris housing market Picard Nathalie, De Palma A., Motamedi K., Waddell P. , European transport/trasporti europei, 36 , p.47-74, 2007 -
Bibliographie critique sur ’Inequality, Welfare and Income Distribution : Experimental Approaches’ Picard Nathalie, Population, 2007 -
Equilibria and Information Provision in Risky Networks with Risk Averse Drivers Picard Nathalie, De Palma A. , Transportation science, 40-4 , p.393-408, 2006 -
Evaluation des effets de l’intéressement Aubry sur l’activité des bénéficiaires des minina sociaux à la Réunion Picard Nathalie, Alibay N., Trannoy A. , Revue economique, 2005 -
Route Choice Decision and Travel Time Uncertainty Picard Nathalie, De Palma A. , Transportation research a, 39 (4), p.295-324, 2005 -
A Model of Residential Location Choice with Endogenous Housing Prices and Traffic for the Paris Region Picard Nathalie, De Palma A., Motamedi K., Waddell P. , European transport/trasporti europei, 31 , p.67-82, 2005 -
Une estimation des conséquences d’une réforme des minima sociaux sur l’offre de travail à l’aide d’un modèle intertemporel de microsimulation Picard Nathalie, Gravel N., Hagneré C. , Economie publique, p.3-44, 2004 -
Distributive Politics and Electoral Competition Picard Nathalie, Laslier J.-F. , Journal of economic theory, 103 (1), p.106-130, 2002 -
Une évaluation de l’impact incitatif et redistributif d’une réforme des minima sociaux Picard Nathalie, Trannoy A., Gravel N., Hagneré C. , Revue française d’economie, 16 (1), p.125-167, 2001
Documents de travail
Borrowing constraints and location choice - Evidence from the Paris Region
Picard Nathalie, Sophie Dantan , 2019-05, 2019 -
L’accès aux données très détaillées pour la recherche scientifique
Picard Nathalie, Kamel Gadouche , 2017-06, 2017 -
A New Evaluation and Decision Making Framework Investigating the Elimination-by-Aspects Model in the Context of Transportation Projects’ Investment Choices
Picard Nathalie, R. Khraibania, A. de Palma, I. Kaysi , 2016-01, 2016 -
Trip-timing decisions and congestion with household scheduling preferences
Picard Nathalie, André de Palma, Robin Lindsey , 2015-12, 2015 -
Modelling mode choice within couples
Picard Nathalie, Sophie Dantan, André de Palma , 2015-17, 2015 -
Les inégalités intra-familiales d’éducation en France Picard Nathalie, François- Charles Wolff , 2014-04, 2014 -
Intra-household discrete choice models of mode choice and residential location Picard Nathalie, André de Palma, Sophie Dantan , 2013-33, 2013 -
Discrete Choice Decision-Making with Multiple Decision Makers within the Household Picard Nathalie, André de Palma, Ignacio A. Inoa , 2013-03, 2013 -
Social Crisis Prevention : A Political Alert Index for the Israel-Palestine Conflict Picard Nathalie, André De Palma, Federico Perali, Roberto Ricciuti, Alexandrina Scorbureanu , 2013-26, 2013 -
Employment and Business Evolution and Location Choice in Paris Area Picard Nathalie, Kiarash Motamedi, André de Palma , 2013-28, 2013 -
Risk, Uncertainty and Discrete Choice Models Picard Nathalie, Joan Walker, Peter Wakker, Kenneth Train, Peter Moffatt, Daniel McFadden, Thierry Magnac, Charles Ho , 2008-02, 2008 -
Evaluation des effets de l’alignement du RMI et de l’API sur l’emploi des bénéficiaires des minima sociaux Picard Nathalie, Alibay N., Trannoy A. , 4or : a quarterly journal of operations research, Document de travail THEMA, 2006-10, 2006 -
Birth Order, and Sibling Sex-Composition Effects in the Study of Education and Wages Picard Nathalie, Prieto A., Gary-Bobo J.R. , Document de travail CEPR, 5514, 2006 -
Route Choice behavior with risk averse users Picard Nathalie, De Palma A. , THEMA, 2004-09, 2004 -
L’importance des incitations financières dans l’obtention d’un emploi est-elle surestimée ? Picard Nathalie, Hagneré C., Trannoy A., Van Der K. , 4or : a quarterly journal of operations research, Institut d'economie publique, 0311, 2003 -
Minima sociaux et offre de travail : Evaluation d’une réforme à l’aide d’un modèle de microsimulation dynamique Picard Nathalie, Gravel N., Hagneré C. , 4or : a quarterly journal of operations research, THEMA, 2000-52, 2000 -
Distributive politics : does electoral competition promote inequality ? Picard Nathalie, Laslier J.-F. , CORE Discussion Papers, 2000022, 2000 -
Dividing One Euro, Democratically Picard Nathalie, Laslier J.-F. , THEMA, 99-23, 1999
Contribution à un livre
Urban sustainability and individual/household well-being Picard Nathalie, C. Antoniou , Ch. 5, A. Michelangeli Ed., Routledge, 2015 -
Discrete Choice Decision-Making with Multiple Decision Makers within the Household Picard Nathalie, A. de Palma, I. Inoa , Handbook of Choice Modelling, Chapitre 16, p. 363-382 , Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 2014 -
Application of UrbanSim in Paris (Ile-de-France) Case study Picard Nathalie, A. de Palma, K. Motamedi , Integrated transport and land use modeling for sustainable cities, Ch. 4.2, R Hurtubia & P. Waddell (eds.), 2014 -
Modeling real estate investment decisions in households Picard Nathalie, A. de Palma, M. de Lapparent , Integrated transport and land use modeling for sustainable cities, Ch. 2.2, R Hurtubia & P. Waddell (eds.), 2014 -
Intra-household Decision models of Residential and Job Location Picard Nathalie, A. de Palma, I. Inoa , Integrated transport and land use modeling for sustainable cities, Ch. 2.4, R Hurtubia & P. Waddell (eds.), 2014 -
Urban sustainability and individual/household well-being Picard Nathalie, C. Antoniou , Quality of Life in Cities - Equity, Sustainable Development and Happiness from a Policy Perspective, Ch. 4, Routledge, 2014 -
Econometric methods for land use microsimulation Picard Nathalie, C. Antoniou , Integrated transport and land use modeling for sustainable cities, Ch. 2.8, R Hurtubia & P. Waddell (eds.), 2014 -
Intégration du risque et de l’incertitude dans la construction du calcul économique Picard Nathalie, De Palma A., Andrieu L. , Le calcul économique - nouvelles perspectives, Economica, 2007 -
Route choice behaviour with risk-averse users Picard Nathalie, De Palma A , Spatial Dynamics, Networks and Modelling, Edward Elgar, 2006 -
Urban Passenger Travel Demand Picard Nathalie, De Palma A., Lindsey R. , The Blackwell Companion to Urban Economics, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2005