A General Theory of Corporate International Investment under Incomplete information, short sales and Taxes Bellalah Mondher, Bradford Marc, Zhang Detao , Economic modelling, 58 , p.615-626, 2016
Articles publiés
- 2016
A Mechanism Design Approach to Climate-Change Agreements Sand-Zantman Wilfried , D. Martimort , Journal of the european economic association, 14 (3), p.669-718, 2016
A New Evaluation and Decision Making Framework Investigating the Elimination-by-Aspects Model in the Context of Transportation Projects’ Investment Choices Picard Nathalie, Khraibani R., A. de Palma, I. Kaysi , Transport Policy, 45 , p.67-81, 2016
An analytically tractable model for pricing multi-asset options with correlated jump-diffusion equity processes and a two-factor stochastic yield curve Guillaume Tristan, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Article ID 8029750 (18 pages), 2016
Asymptotic utilitarianism in scoring rules Pivato Marcus, Social choice and welfare, 47 (2), p.431-458, 2016
Competitive customer poaching with asymmetric firms, International Journal of Industrial Organization Carroni Elias , International journal of industrial organization, 48 , p.173–206, 2016
Computation of the survival probability of Brownian motion with drift in a closed time interval when the absorbing boundary is an affine or an exponential function of time Guillaume Tristan, International Journal of Statistics and Probability, 5 (4), p.119-138, 2016
Determinants of Mexico-U.S. Outward an Return Migration Flows : A State-Level Panel Data Analysis de La Rupelle Maëlys , Isabelle Chort , Demography, 53 (5), p.1453-1476, 2016
Development and Regulation Under the Threat of Revolution Michael Dorsch, Karl Dunz , Journal of comparative economics, 44 (4), p.1040-1054, 2016
Do People Contribute More to Intra-temporal or Inter-temporal Public Goods ? Vranceanu Radu, Gilles Grolleaua, Angela Sutanb , Research in Economics, 70 (1), p. 186–195 , 2016
Do spouses cooperate ? An experimental investigation Couprie Hélène, François Cochard, Astrid Hopfensitz , Review of economics of the household, 14 (1), p.1-26, 2016
Does access to foreign markets shape internal migration ? Evidence from Brazil Paillacar Rodrigo, Hering L. , World bank economic review, 30 (1), p.78-103, 2016
Does Basel II Affect the Market Valuation of Discretionary Loan Loss Provisions ? Heinen Andréas, Malika Hamadi, Stefan Linder, Vlad-Andrei Porumb , Journal of banking and finance, 70 , p.177–192, 2016
Emploi agrégé, polarisation des emplois et inégalités de salaire : une comparaison transatlantique Sopraseuth Thepthida, Albertini J., Hairault J.O., Langot François , Revue française d’economie, 2016
Endogenous Technology Adoption and Medical Costs Lamiraud Karine , S. Lhuillery , Health economics, 25 , p.1123-1147, 2016
Environmental Pollution and Biodiversity : Light Pollution and Sea Turtles in the Caribbean Pérez Barahona Agustin, Brei M., Strobl E. , Journal of environmental economics and management, 77 , p.96-116, 2016
Equilibrium of financial derivative markets under portfolio insurance constraints Prigent Jean-Luc, P. Bertrand , Economic modelling, 52 (Part A), p.278-292, 2016
Et le comité de direction a ri : Immobilisme organisationnel et Powerpoint Ayache Magali, Hervé Dumez , Revue française de gestion, 255 , 2016
Exchange rate populism Terra Maria Cristina, Sainan Huang , Economics and politics, 28 (1), p.105‑132, 2016
Explaining the Spread of Temporary Jobs and Its Impact on Labor Turnover Charlot Olivier, Pierre Cahuc, Franck Malherbet , International economic review, 57 (2), p.533–572, 2016
Floating in Space ? On the Strangeness of Exploratory Proje Lenfle Sylvain , Project Management Journal, 47 (2), p.47-61, 2016
For richer, for poorer : assortative mating and saving preferences Fremaux Nicolas, Arrondel L. , Economica, 83 , p.518–543, 2016
Foreign Employees as a Channel for Technology Transfer : Evidence from MNC’s Subsidiaries in Mexico Santacreu-Vasut Estefania, Teshima Kensuke , Journal of development economics, 122 , p.92-112, 2016
French Unemployment Dynamics : a “Three-State” Approach Revue d’economie politique, 126 (5), p.835-869, 2016
Going green to fit in - Understanding the impact of social norms on pro-environmental behaviour, a cross-cultural approach Culiberg B. , International Journal of Consumer Studies, 40 (2), p.179-185, 2016
How do oil price forecast errors impact inflation forecast errors ? An empirical analysis from US, French and UK inflation forecasts Bec Frédérique, A. De Gaye , Economic modelling, 53 , p.75-88, 2016
Incremental willingness to pay : a theoretical and empirical exposition Lamiraud Karine , R. Oxoby, C. Donaldson , Theory and decision, 80 , p.101-123, 2016
Issues in Real Options with shadow costs of incomplete Information and short sales Bellalah Mondher, Journal of Economic Asymmetries, 13 , p.45-56, 2016
La fin de la croissance ? A propos de The rise and fall of american growth de Robert J. Gordon Lenfle Sylvain , Le Libellio, 12 (2), p.89-93, 2016
Le cas sensible de l’ethnicité : l’exemple de l’étude de la diversité en marketing Revue Internationale de Psychologie et de Gestion des Comportements Organisationnels, vol. XXII (54), p.131-137, 2016
Le refus du CETA et la question du débat démocratique dans l’UE Jacquet Laurence, Bulletin de l'Observatoire des politiques économiques en Europe, 35 , 2016
Les déterminants du rôle actif du consommateur dans l’adoption de pratiques écologiques novatrices : apports du concept de lead-user Hamdi L., Schill M. , La Revue des Sciences de Gestion, 278/279 , p.21-29, 2016
Les objets connectés peuvent-ils susciter une résistance de la part des consommateurs ? Une étude netnographique Chouk Inès, Mani Z. , Décisions marketing, p.19-42, 2016
Lying about Delegation Vranceanu Radu, A. Sutan , Journal of economic behavior and organization, 121 (1), p.29-40, 2016
Management et culture du risque de crédit dans les banques tunisiennes Bellalah Mondher, Maraghni Hichem, Ben Bouheni Faten, Hikkerova Lubica, Sahut Jean-Michel , Revue des Sciences de Gestion, 2016/5 (281-282), p.151-161, 2016
Modeling transmissions of volatility shocks : Application to CDS spreads during the euro area sovereign crisis Bellalah Mondher, Boussada Haifa, Bellalah Makram , International journal of business, 21 (1), p.1-25, 2016
Money and Monetary Policy in the Eurozone : An Empirical Analysis During Crises Fourçans André, J. Benchimol , Macroeconomic dynamics, 20 (2), p.1-31, 2016
Motivations to interact with brands on Facebook – Towards a typology of consumer–brand interactions Azar Salim, Cesar Machado J., Vacas-de-Carvalho L. and A. Mendes , Journal of Brand Management, 23 (2), p.153–178, 2016
On the diversity score : a copula approach Prigent Jean-Luc, A. Ben Saida , Statistics: A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics, 51 (1), p.188-204, 2016
On the stochastic dominance of portfolio insurance strategies Prigent Jean-Luc, H. Maalej , Journal of Mathematical Finance, 6 , p.14-27, 2016
On the uniqueness of the Yolk Martin Mathieu, Zéphirin Nganmeni, Craig Tovey , Social choice and welfare, 47 , p.511-518, 2016
Optimal funding and hiring policies under mean reverting demand Prigent Jean-Luc, O. Bouasker, N. Létifi , Economic modelling, 58 , p.569-579, 2016
Optimal positioning in financial derivatives under mixture distributions Prigent Jean-Luc, R. Hentati , Economic modelling, 52 (Part A), p.115-125, 2016
Peut-on comparer les performances des universités ? Brodaty Thomas, Jacotin G. , Revue economique, 67 (2), 2016
Prise en compte de la famille dans l’imposition des revenus en France, aspects historiques, distributifs et incitatifs Revue française d’economie, 31 (1), p.111-152, 2016
Push-Me, Pull-You : Comparative Advertising in the OTC Analgesi cs Industry Renault Régis, Simon Anderson, Federico Ciliberto, Jura Liaukonyte , The RAND Journal of Economics, 47 (4), p.1029-1056, 2016
Rationalizability and Efficiency in an Asymmetric Cournot Oligopoly Desgranges Gabriel, Stéphane Gauthier , International journal of industrial organization, 44 , p.163-176, 2016
Real estate investment : Market volatility and optimal holding period under risk aversion Barthélémy Fabrice, Prigent Jean-Luc, C. Amédée-Manesme , Economic modelling, 58 , p.543-555, 2016
Real Options : An Alternative Valuation Model for the U.S. REIT Market Bellalah Mondher, Dubreuille S., Cherif M. , International journal of business, 21 (1), p.42-54, 2016
Reciprocal Relationships and Mechanism Design Celik Gorkem, Peters Michael , Canadian journal of economics / revue canadienne d’économie, 49 (1), p.374-411, 2016
Rent Sharing and Workers Bargaining Power : An empirical Cross Country/Cross Industry Panel Analysis Philippe Askenazy, Gilbert Cette , Scandinavian journal of economics, DOI: 10.1111/sjoe.12228 , 2016
Robust Social Decisions Danan Eric, Thibault Gajdos, Brian Hill, Jean-Marc Tallon , American economic review, 106 (9), p.2407-2425, 2016
Shadow costs of incomplete information and short sales in the valuation of the firm and its assets Bellalah Mondher, North american journal of economics and finance, 37 , p.406-419, 2016
Statistical utilitarianism Pivato Marcus, The Political Economy of Social Choices (Studies in Political Economy), p.187-205, 2016
Tax cuts or social investment ? Evaluating the opportunity cost of French employment strategy Bruno Palier, Michael Zemmour , Cambridge journal of economics, 40 (6), p.1687-1705, 2016
The double-edge effect of retailers’ cause-related marketing : When scepticism cools the warm-glow effect Mimouni - Chaabane Aîda, Béatrice Parguel , International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 44 (6), p.607-626, 2016
The Efficiency of the GIPS Sovereign Debt Markets during Crisis Bellalah Mondher, Bachar Fakhry, Omar Masood , International journal of business, 21 (1), p.87-98, 2016
The performance of hybrid models in the assessment of default risk Bellalah Mondher, Zouari Sami, Levyne Olivier , Economic modelling, 52 , p.259-265, 2016
The Place of the History of Economic Thought in Mainstream Economics, 1991-2011, Viewed Through a Bibliographic Survey Giraud Yann, Pedro Duarte , Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 38 (4), p.431-62, 2016
The Shapley–Shubik power index for dichotomous multi-type games Tchantcho Bertrand, Sebastien Courtin, Zephirin Nganmeni , Theory and decision, 81 (3), p.413–426, 2016
Unanimity Overruled : Majority Voting and the Burden of History Pivato Marcus, Klaus Nehring, Clemens Puppe , Journal of theoretical politics, 28 (4), p.552-597, 2016
Unemployment Compensation and the Allocation of Labor in Developing Countries Charlot Olivier, F. Malherbet, M. Ulus , Journal of public economic theory, 18 (3), p.385-416, 2016
When Project Management Meets Design Theory : Revisiting the Manhattan and Polaris Projects to Characterize “Radical Innovation” and Its Managerial Implications Lenfle Sylvain, LeMasson P., Weil B. , Creativity and innovation management, 25 (3), p.378-395, 2016
Who buys overpackaged grocery products and why ? Understanding consumers’ reactions to overpackaging in the food sector Journal of business ethics, 135 (4), p.683–698, 2016
”Sex in marriage is a divine gift" : For whom ? Evidence on the child quality-quantity trade-off from the Manila contraceptive ban Lefranc Arnaud, C. Dumas , World bank economic review, 2016