[English] [français]

Inauguration of the Foundation for Economic Modelling

LABEX MME-DDII May 12th 2014

The inauguration of the Foundation for Economic Modelling will take place on May 12, 2014 at 5:00 pm at ESSEC, CNIT, la Défense.

Program :

17 h Parallel Sessions

Energy Finance : a new discipline crossing economic theory, business operations, and financial markets

Speakers : Jean-Luc Prigeant, UCP, Andrea Roncoroni, ESSEC

The wisdom of the crowd

Speakers : Antoine Billot, Paris 2, Motty Perry, University of Warwick, Olivier Thierry, CEO of La Fourchette

19 h Cocktail

If you would like to attend, please send an email before April 30, 2014 specifying which session you would like to attend to : labex.mmedii@gmail.com

More Information :
février 2025 :

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