7th Annual Conference on the History of Recent Economics
24 May 2013
University of Cergy-Pontoise, France
The past decade has seen significant growth in work on the history of economics since WW2. The availability of source-materials has increased dramatically, new methods have been employed and scholars have looked across disciplinary boundaries. This work has produced insightful contextual histories of the development of economic ideas. We believe that the history of recent economics has developed to such an extent that it is worth bringing researchers together in a meeting devoted specifically to this period, and if this is successful to do so annually. Unlike past years, this year’s meeting is a one day workshop.
The organizing committee consists of Roger Backhouse (University of Birmingham), Philippe Fontaine (École normale supérieure de Cachan and Institut universitaire de France) and Yann Giraud (Université de Cergy-Pontoise).
The organizing committee consists of Roger Backhouse (University of Birmingham), Philippe Fontaine (École normale supérieure de Cachan and Institut universitaire de France) and Yann Giraud (Université de Cergy-Pontoise).
Malcolm Rutherford (University of Victoria)
"American Institutionalism after 1944"
Bruce Caldwell (Duke University)
"F. A. Hayek and the Virginia Lectures"
Béatrice Cherrier and Jean-Baptiste Fleury
(University of Caen and University of Cergy-Pontoise)
"Social Choice, Public Choice, and the Fragmentation of Welfare Economics, 1947-1967"
Edward Nik-Khah (Roanoke College)
"The (Chicago) Origins of Pharmaceutical Ignorance"
Robert Leonard (University of Québec at Montréal)
"Small is Beautiful : The Life and Work of E.F. Schumacher"
For more information and the full program of this event, please visit :
Contact : Yann Giraud (yann.giraud[at]u-cergy.fr)
Contact : Yann Giraud (yann.giraud[at]u-cergy.fr)