Nadège Blond - Université de Strasbourg
Nadège Blond (Laboratoire Image Ville Environnement, Université de Strasbourg) will present "How Can we Evaluate the Sustainability of our Mobility Systems ?"
Abstract :
Global warming must be kept below 1.5°C if we want to protect the most sensitive ecosystems, and even ensure peace and our survival on earth. To do this, we must drastically reduce our greenhouse gases emissions, to reach carbon neutrality in 2050 : that is to say, to emit almost no greenhouse gases within 30 years. 30 years is a very short time ! In France, the transport sector is the largest emitter. It emits 31% of greenhouse gas emissions, far ahead of the industry, agriculture and residential and tertiary sectors, which will not escape reductions either. The transport sector cannot be the only sector that should concern us : transforming our mobility systems also means transforming the development of our territories and our consumption patterns more widely. After a review of few of our studies on road traffic emissions, the results of the Interreg SuMo-Rhine project will be presented. This project allowed an analysis of mobility practices and policies over the Upper-Rhine Region, and a qualitative evaluation of mobility systems. An indicator system was developed to analyze the mobility systems. To be able to evaluate several strategies of transformation of the mobility systems, a new urban mobility modelling system was initiated.