"Road traffic, pollution, and monetarization : Evidence from La Réunion "
cowrited with André de Palma (CY Paris Cergy Université & ThEMA) and Nadège Blond (Université de Strasbourg & CNRS & Laboratoire Image Ville Environnement)
Abstract :
In order to compute the cost of population exposure to air pollution from roads, this research seeks to build an integrated chain of models. This framework combines data with a very high geographical resolution with a discrete time distribution modeling technique. A mobility module enables the spatial simulation of population movement. The road traffic air pollution emissions are computed by an emission model. A Gaussian dispersion model-based exposure model is used. The performance of this chain of models is test with a real case study : La Réunion, an French island. We compare and contrast two different policy analyses. We first look into the impact of replacing older vehicles with electric ones. Next we study the impact of flexible departure time for the morning commute.