[English] [français]


08 Avril 2011


3rd Annual Workshop, Friday April 8th, 2011
History of ‘Economics as Culture’
Université de Cergy-Pontoise,
Les Chênes II, Salle des Thèses
This workshop, which is organized on behalf of THEMA (CNRS UMR 8184), EconomiX (CNRS UMR 7235) and the Cachan History of Social Science Group (H2S), brings together scholars from different disciplines to discuss from an historical vantage point, the place of economics in our culture. Below are some of topics that exemplify what will be at issue :
- To consider the interactions between art, literature and economics ;
- To discuss the interactions between cultural or artistic objects such as magazines, books, maps, photographs, paintings, graphs and economic thinking and to consider economic texts as cultural items and to reflect upon the consequences their physical form had on their reception.
- To consider economics as part of cultures (political, commercial, scientific, etc.) of past (including very recent past) societies ; in particular, to discuss the economic representations (or culture) of specific social groups such as merchants, workers, businessmen, etc.

10:00-10:30 am : Welcome, coffee and pastries
10:30-11:30 am
Christopher Burke
(University of Reading – Dept of Typography and Graphic Communication)
The Linguistic Status of Pictorial Statistics
Emma Helena Minns
(University of Reading – Dept of Typography and Graphic Communication)
Picturing Soviet Success : Soviet pictorial statistics 1931-1940
12:30-2:00pm : Lunch
2:00-3:00 pm
Sophie Cras
(Université Paris I – Dept of art history)
“Artistic Shareholding” Experiments in the 1960s
3:00-4:00 pm
Arnaud Orain
(Université de Bretagne Occidentale – Dept of economics)
Success in, or with the help of Rhetoric and Belles-Lettres ?
A Case Study of Eighteenth Century French Economists
4:00-4:15 pm : Coffee Break
4:15-5:15 pm
Gül Karagoz – Kizilca
(SUNY Binghamton and Ankara University)
Bringing the Public into the Arena of Politics :
Ottoman Newspapersand the Quest for Fiscal Responsibility for an Emerging Voice of “the Public”

If you plan to attend the workshop, please contact the organizers : Yann Giraud (yann.giraud@u-cergy.fr) or Loïc Charles (charles@ined.fr)

How to get to THEMA

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