Articles publiés

  • 2020
  • A Global Game Model of Medical Project Crowdfunding Vranceanu Radu, Damien Besancenot , International game theory review, 22 (3), 2020

  • A note on the finesse point Martin Mathieu, Zéphirin Nganmeni , Operations research letters, 48 , p.336–341, 2020

  • A Welfare Assessment of Revenue Management Systems Pouyet Jérôme, Nicolas Dupuis, Marc Ivaldi , Review of network economics, 2020

  • About long-term (cross-currency) Bermuda swaption pricing Prigent Jean-Luc, Bünyamin Erkan , Computational economics, 56 (1), p.239-262, 2020

  • An asymmetrical overshooting correction model for G20 nominal effective exchange rates, Bec Frédérique, Melika Ben Salem , Economics bulletin, 40 (3), p.1937-1947, 2020

  • Bridging the Gap between Brand Gender and Brand Loyalty on Social Media : Exploring the Mediating Effects Azar Salim, L. Vacas-de-Carvalho, J. C Machado , Journal of marketing management, 36 (11-12), p.1125–1152, 2020

  • Consistent model selection criteria and goodness-of-fit test for common time series models Jean-Marc Bardet, Kare Kamila , Electronic Journal of Statistics, 14 , p.2009-2052, 2020

  • Credit Market Quality, Innovation and Trade Terra Maria Cristina, Enrico Vasconcelos , Revue economique, 71 (5), p.773-814, 2020

  • Decoupling the CES distribution circle with quality and beyond : equilibrium distributions and the CES-Logit nexus De Palma André, S. Anderson , Economic journal, 130 (628), p.911-936, 2020

  • Demand for Insurance and Within-Kin-Group Marriage : Evidence from a West-African Country Hotte Rozenn, Karine Marazyan , Journal of development economics, 146 , 2020

  • Discrete Choice and Rational Inattention : A General Equivalence Result De Palma André, M. Fosgerau , E. Melo and M. Shum , International economic review, 61 (4), p.1569-1589, 2020

  • Does fashionization impede luxury brands’ CSR image ? Mimouni - Chaabane Aîda, B. Parguel et T. Delecolle , Sustainability, 12 (1), p.428, 2020

  • Downstream mergers in vertically related markets with capacity constraints Pouyet Jérôme, David Martimort , International journal of industrial organization, 72 , 2020

  • Evolution des critères d’investissement des business angels : de la présélection des projets à l’investissement final Bellier Annie, Abdoulkarim Idi Cheffou , Revue internationale pme, 33 (3-4), p.169-197, 2020

  • French Speaking Economists and Non-Walrasian Equilibriums (1970-1985) Béraud Alain, Œconomia, 10 (1), 2020

  • Gender, Informal Employment and Trade Liberalization in Mexico Bombarda Pamela, Sarra Ben Yahmed , World bank economic review, 34 (2), p.259–283, 2020

  • Hedging and safe-haven characteristics of Gold against currencies : An investigation based on multivariate dynamic copula theory R. Bedoui, N. Majdoub, K. Guesmi, J. Chevallier , Resources policy, 68 , 2020

  • Is Inflation driven by survey-based, VAR-based or myopic expectations ? An empirical assessment from US real-time data Bec Frédérique, Kanda Patrick, North american journal of economics and finance, 51 (C), 2020

  • Les trajectoires d’apprentissage des clients lors de la première utilisation d’un produit. Monnot Elisa, Recherche et applications en marketing, 35 (2), p.50-77, 2020

  • Linear Segmentation for Detecting Relevant Parameter Changes Houndetoungan Aristide Elysée, Aunaud Dufays, Alain Coen , Journal of financial econometrics, Forthcoming , 2020

  • Local Gaussian correlations in financial and commodity markets S. Aboura, J. Chevallier, L. Zhang, B. Zhu , European journal of operational research, 285 (1), p.306-323, 2020

  • L’attitude à l’égard des prospectus : influence des bénéfices et coûts perçus Mimouni - Chaabane Aîda, B. Parguel , Décisions marketing, 97 , 2020

  • Marriage Strategy Among the European Nobility Marcassa Stefania, Pouyet Jérôme, Trégouët Thomas, Explorations in economic history, 75 , 2020

  • Measures of Inequality in Vectors Distributions Lawogni Ulysse , International Journal of Statistical Analysis, 1 (3), p.1-16, 2020

  • On the telegrapher’s equation with three space variables in non-rectangular coordinates Guillaume Tristan, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 8 (5) , p 910-926 , 2020

  • Optimal portfolio positioning on multiple assets under ambiguity Prigent Jean-Luc, Hechmi Ben Ameur, Mouna Boujelbène, Emna Triki , Computational economics, 56 (1), p.21-57, 2020

  • Profession and deception : Experimental evidence on lying behavior among business and medical students Vranceanu Radu, Damien Besancenot , Journal of economic behavior and organization, 179 , p.175-187, 2020

  • Proper use of the modified Sharpe ratios in performance measurement : rearranging the Cornish Fisher expansion Barthélémy Fabrice, C-O. Amédée-Manesme , Annals of operations research, p.1-22, 2020

  • Rank-additive population ethics Pivato Marcus, Economic theory, 69 (4), p.861-918, 2020

  • Social preferences under twofold uncertainty Pivato Marcus, Philippe Mongin , Economic theory, 70 (3), p.633-663, 2020

  • Stay close but not too close : The role of similarity in the cross-gender extension of female patronymic brands Azar Salim, I. Ulrich, I. Aimé , Journal of business research, 120 , p.157–174, 2020

  • Subjective expected utility with a spectral state space Pivato Marcus, Economic theory, 69 (2), p.249-313, 2020

  • Subjective expected utility with imperfect perception Pivato Marcus, Vassili Vergopoulos , Journal of mathematical economics, 88 , p.104-122, 2020

  • Switching Costs in Competitive Health Insurance Markets : The Role of Insurers’ Pricing Strategies Lamiraud Karine , P. Stadelmann , Health economics, 29 , p.992-1012, 2020

  • Tailored recommendations Danan Eric, T. Gajdos, J.-M. Tallon , Social choice and welfare, 2020

  • Taxation of Temporary Jobs : Good Intentions With Bad Outcomes ? Charlot Olivier, P. Cahuc, F. Malherbet, H. Benghalem, E. Limon , Economic journal, 130 (Issue 626), p.422–445, 2020

  • The Effectiveness of Protecting Species Through Legislation : The Case of Sea Turtle Lighting Ordinances Pérez Barahona Agustin, M. Brei, E. Strobl , American journal of agricultural economics, 102 (1), p.300-328, 2020

  • The heterogenous effect of retirement on informal care behavior Bergeot Julien, Roméo Fontaine , Health economics, 29 , p.1101–1116, 2020

  • The reward gap in hierarchical loyalty programmes : How to enhance bottom-tier customers’ loyalty without alienating top-tier customers Mimouni - Chaabane Aîda, V. Pez , Journal of marketing management, 36 (1-2), p.51-77, 2020

  • Tradable permit schemes for congestible facilities with uncertain supply and demand De Palma André, R. Lindsey , Economic affairs, Economic of Transportation, 21 , p.100-149, 2020

  • Un nouveau paradigme de la dynamique des rendements immobiliers parisiens Baroni Michel, Barthélémy Fabrice, Charles-Olivier Amédée-Manesme , Revue economique, 7 , p.279-294, 2020

  • Use and abuse of regulated prices in electricity markets : “How to regulate regulated prices ?” Pouyet Jérôme, David Martimort, Carine Staropoli. , Journal of economics & management strategy, 29 (3), p.605-634, 2020

  • Weighted representative democracy Pivato Marcus, Journal of mathematical economics, 88 , p.52-63, 2020

  • Welfare and Trade Margins with Multinational Production Bombarda Pamela, Stefania Marcassa , The World Economy, 43 (2), p.388-411, 2020