Articles publiés

  • 2013
  • "Ras le bol d’entendre parler d’écologie !" : comprendre la contestation des discours écologiques par les consommateurs Monnot Elisa, F. Reniou , Décisions marketing, 71 , p.93-109, 2013

  • A Note on Cooperative Strategies in Gladiators ? Vranceanu Radu, J. Ballet, D. Bazin, , Games, Vol.4 (N°2 mai 2013), p.17, 2013

  • Aggregating sets of von Neumann-Morgenstern utilities Danan Eric, Gajdos T., Tallon J-M. , Journal of economic theory, 148 (2), p.663-688, 2013

  • Ambiguity, Data and Preferences for Information - A Case Based Approach Guerdjikova Ani, Juergen Eichberger , Journal of economic theory, Volume 148, Issue 4 , p.1433–1462, 2013

  • Analysis and comparison of leveraged ETFs and CPPI-type leveraged strategies Prigent Jean-Luc, Philippe Bertrand , Finance, 34 , p.73-116, 2013

  • Appraisal Methods for the U.S. Housing Market Keenan Donald, Kim Taewon , International Journal of Business Strategy, 13 , p.71-76, 2013

  • Are Condorcet procedures so bad according to the reinforcement axiom ? Sébastien Courtin, Boniface Mbih, issofa Moyouwou , Social choice and welfare, 2013

  • Are researchers who publish more also more cited ? Individual determinants of publication and citation records Pierre-Philippe Combes , Scientometrics, 97(3) , p.831-857, 2013

  • Are Southeast Asian Real Exchange Rates Mean Reverting ? Bec Frédérique, Songlin Zeng , Journal of international financial markets, institutions and money, 23 , p. 265-282, 2013

  • Asymmetric Information and Rationalizability Desgranges Gabriel, Gauthier Stéphane , Economic theory, 54 (3), p.789-804, 2013

  • Becker and Posner : Freedom of Speech and Public Intellectualship Jean-Baptiste Fleury, Alain Marciano , History of political economy, 45 (1), 2013

  • Chinese Trade Reforms, Market Access and Foreign Competition : the Patterns of French Exporters Bombarda Pamela, Maria Bas (CEPII) , World bank economic review, 27 , p. 80-108 , 2013

  • Combining Monte-Carlo Simulations and Options to Manage Risk of Real Estate Portfolios Baroni Michel, Barthélémy Fabrice, Charles-Olivier Amédée-Manesme, Étienne Dupuy , Journal of Property Investment and Finance, 31 (4), p.360-389, 2013

  • Currency crises and the labour share Elsa Orgiazzi , Economica, 80 (319), p.566–588, 2013

  • Decentralization and Tax Competition Between Asymmetrical Local Governments : Theoretical and Empirical Evidence Public finance review, Disponible en ligne , 2013

  • Déclaration de franchissement de seuil et contrats d’equity swaps : éléments de réflexion sur les évolutions en droit interne et communautaire Gueguen Simon, Ramond Olivier, Raynouard Arnaud , Bulletin Joly Bourse et produits financiers, p.439-446, 2013

  • Diagonal Dominance and Global Stability Keenan Donald, Kim Taewon , Mathematical social sciences, 65 , p.217–221, 2013

  • Divorce Laws and Divorce Rate in the U.S. Marcassa Stefania, The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, 13 , p.39, 2013

  • Do female/male distinctions in language matter ? Evidence from gender political quotas Santacreu-Vasut Estefania, Shoham, A.; Gay, V. , Applied economics letters, 20 , p.495-498, 2013

  • Does the Patient Really Act Like as a Supermarket Shopper ? Proposal of a Typology of Patients’ Expectations towards the Healthcare System Chouk Inès, Isabelle Chalamon, Benoit Heilbrunn , International Journal of Healthcare Management, 6 (3), p.142-151, 2013

  • Economics for the Masses : The Visual Display of Economic Knowledge in the United States, 1921-1945 Giraud Yann, Loïc Charles , History of political economy, 45 (4), p.567-612, 2013

  • Education and employment protection Charlot Olivier, Malherbet, Franck , Labour economics, 20 , p.3-23, 2013

  • Efficiency in a search and matching economy with a competitive informal sector Charlot Olivier, Malherbet Franck, Ulus, M. , Economics letters, 118 , p.192–194, 2013

  • Efficient Government Size : France in the 20th Century Melki Mickael, F. Facchini , European journal of political economy, 31 , p.1–14, 2013

  • Evolution of Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma Play under Logit Dynamics Ochea Marius-Ionut, Journal of economic dynamics and control, 37 , p.2483-2499, 2013

  • Exploring brand masculine patterns : Moving beyond monolithic masculinity Azar Salim, Journal of product and brand management, 22 (7), p.502 –512, 2013

  • French economists and the Purchasing power of money Béraud Alain, European journal of the history of economic thought, 20 , p.349-371, 2013

  • Heterogeneous Firms, Rules of Origin and Rules of Cumulation Bombarda Pamela, Elisa Gamberoni (World Bank) , International economic review, 54 (revised version Febr), p.307–328, 2013

  • Hospitalité et culture locale : deux atouts pour un tourisme responsable Mani Zied, V. Cova , Revue Maghreb-Machrek, p.3-17, 2013

  • Intra-household discrete choice models of mode choice and residential location Picard Nathalie, A. de Palma, S. Dantan , International journal of transport economics, XL (3), p.419-445, 2013

  • Inventory Investment and the Business Cycle : The Usual Suspect Bec Frédérique, Mélika Ben Salem , Studies in nonlinear dynamics and econometrics, 17(3) , p.335-343, 2013

  • Inventory Investment Dynamics and Recoveries : A Comparison of Manufacturing and Retail Trade Sectors Bec Frédérique, M. Bessec , Economics bulletin, 33(3) , p.2209-2222, 2013

  • Le développement de la théorie de l’équilibre général, les apports d’Allais et de Hicks Béraud Alain, Revue economique, Disponible en ligne , 2013

  • L’anticipation des conséquences comme vecteur de l’intention de tri des déchets : rôle des émotions, des croyances et de leur valence Management & Avenir, N°66 , 2013

  • Making Project History : Revisiting the Past, Creating the Future Lenfle Sylvain, Soderlünd J. , International journal of project management, 31 (5), p.653-62, 2013

  • Mill, Tooke, McCulloch et la crise de 1825 Béraud Alain, Revue d’economie politique, 213 , p.237-264, 2013

  • On the likelihood of dummy players in weighted majority games Martin Mathieu, Fabrice Barthélémy, Dominique Lepelley , Social choice and welfare, 41 , p.263-279, 2013

  • Optimal portfolio positioning under ambiguity Prigent Jean-Luc, Hachmi Ben Ameur , Economic modelling, 34 , p.89-97, 2013

  • Pass-through of Per Unit and ad Valorem Consumption Taxes : Evidence from Alcoholic Beverages in France B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and policy, n°14 , p.1–27, 2013

  • Rendre compte de la rémunération des dirigeants. Qu’attendre du say on pay ? E. Ginglinger , Revue française de gestion, vol. 39 (n° 237), p.57-71, 2013

  • Search frictions, wage rigidities and the optimal design of unemployment insurance Albertini Julien, Xavier Fairise , Journal of economic dynamics and control, 37 (9), p.1796–1813, 2013

  • Social choice and cooperative games : voting games as social aggregation functions Martin Mathieu, Maurice Salles , International game theory review, 15 (3), 2013

  • Social Crisis Prevention : A Political Alert Index for the Israel-Palestine Conflict Picard Nathalie, A. de Palma, F. Perali, R. Ricciuti Roberto. A. Scorbureanu , Peace economics, peace science and public policy, 19 (2), p.103-122, 2013

  • Solving Global Warming Problems : Beyond Markets, Simple Mechanisms May Help ! Sand-Zantman Wilfried , D. Martimort , Canadian journal of economics / revue canadienne d’économie, 46 (2), 2013

  • Termination Fees Revisited Sand-Zantman Wilfried , B. Jullien, P. Rey , International journal of industrial organization, 31 (6), p.738-750, 2013

  • The advertising mix for a search good Renault Régis, Anderson, Simon P. , Management science, 59 , p.69-83, 2013

  • The effect of hours of work on social interaction Lamiraud Karine , H. Saffer , Review of economics of the household, 10 (2), p.237-258, 2013

  • The Impact of Second Loans on Subprime Mortgage Defaults Keenan Donald, Michael Eriksen, James B. Kau , Real estate economics, 41 (4), p.858-886, 2013

  • The Optimal Marginal Tax Rates with both Extensive and Intensive Responses Jacquet Laurence, E. Lehmann, B. Van der Linden , Journal of economic theory, 148 (5), p.1770-1805, 2013

  • The spending multiplier in a time of massive public debt : The Euro-area case Vranceanu Radu, Besancenot, Damien , Applied economics letters, 20 , p.758-762, 2013

  • The Strategic Sincerity of Approval Voting Matias Nunez , Economic theory, 56 (1), p.157-189, 2013

  • The value of lies in an ultimatum game with imperfect information Vranceanu Radu, Damien Besancenot, Delphine Dubart , Journal of economic behavior and organization, 93 , p.239–247, 2013

  • Unemployment Duration of Spouses : Evidence From France Marcassa Stefania, LABOUR: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, 28 (4), p.399-429, 2013

  • What drives stock return commonalities ? Evidence from France and the USA using a cross-sectional approach Mero Gulten, Jean-Jacques Lilti , Bankers, Markets and Investors, n°126 , 2013