"Ras le bol d’entendre parler d’écologie !" : comprendre la contestation des discours écologiques par les consommateurs Monnot Elisa, F. Reniou , Décisions marketing, 71 , p.93-109, 2013
Articles publiés
- 2013
A detail-free mediator Vida Peter, Helmuts Āzacis , Games and economic behavior, 81 , p.101–115, 2013
A Note on Cooperative Strategies in Gladiators ? Vranceanu Radu, J. Ballet, D. Bazin, , Games, Vol.4 (N°2 mai 2013), p.17, 2013
Aggregating sets of von Neumann-Morgenstern utilities Danan Eric, Gajdos T., Tallon J-M. , Journal of economic theory, 148 (2), p.663-688, 2013
Ambiguity, Data and Preferences for Information - A Case Based Approach Guerdjikova Ani, Juergen Eichberger , Journal of economic theory, Volume 148, Issue 4 , p.1433–1462, 2013
Analysis and comparison of leveraged ETFs and CPPI-type leveraged strategies Prigent Jean-Luc, Philippe Bertrand , Finance, 34 , p.73-116, 2013
Appraisal Methods for the U.S. Housing Market Keenan Donald, Kim Taewon , International Journal of Business Strategy, 13 , p.71-76, 2013
Are Condorcet procedures so bad according to the reinforcement axiom ? Sébastien Courtin, Boniface Mbih, issofa Moyouwou , Social choice and welfare, 2013
Are researchers who publish more also more cited ? Individual determinants of publication and citation records Pierre-Philippe Combes , Scientometrics, 97(3) , p.831-857, 2013
Are Southeast Asian Real Exchange Rates Mean Reverting ? Bec Frédérique, Songlin Zeng , Journal of international financial markets, institutions and money, 23 , p. 265-282, 2013
Asymmetric Information and Rationalizability Desgranges Gabriel, Gauthier Stéphane , Economic theory, 54 (3), p.789-804, 2013
Becker and Posner : Freedom of Speech and Public Intellectualship Jean-Baptiste Fleury, Alain Marciano , History of political economy, 45 (1), 2013
Chinese Trade Reforms, Market Access and Foreign Competition : the Patterns of French Exporters Bombarda Pamela, Maria Bas (CEPII) , World bank economic review, 27 , p. 80-108 , 2013
Combining Monte-Carlo Simulations and Options to Manage Risk of Real Estate Portfolios Baroni Michel, Barthélémy Fabrice, Charles-Olivier Amédée-Manesme, Étienne Dupuy , Journal of Property Investment and Finance, 31 (4), p.360-389, 2013
Currency crises and the labour share Elsa Orgiazzi , Economica, 80 (319), p.566–588, 2013
Decentralization and Tax Competition Between Asymmetrical Local Governments : Theoretical and Empirical Evidence Public finance review, Disponible en ligne , 2013
Déclaration de franchissement de seuil et contrats d’equity swaps : éléments de réflexion sur les évolutions en droit interne et communautaire Gueguen Simon, Ramond Olivier, Raynouard Arnaud , Bulletin Joly Bourse et produits financiers, p.439-446, 2013
Diagonal Dominance and Global Stability Keenan Donald, Kim Taewon , Mathematical social sciences, 65 , p.217–221, 2013
Divorce Laws and Divorce Rate in the U.S. Marcassa Stefania, The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, 13 , p.39, 2013
Do female/male distinctions in language matter ? Evidence from gender political quotas Santacreu-Vasut Estefania, Shoham, A.; Gay, V. , Applied economics letters, 20 , p.495-498, 2013
Does the Patient Really Act Like as a Supermarket Shopper ? Proposal of a Typology of Patients’ Expectations towards the Healthcare System Chouk Inès, Isabelle Chalamon, Benoit Heilbrunn , International Journal of Healthcare Management, 6 (3), p.142-151, 2013
Economics for the Masses : The Visual Display of Economic Knowledge in the United States, 1921-1945 Giraud Yann, Loïc Charles , History of political economy, 45 (4), p.567-612, 2013
Education and employment protection Charlot Olivier, Malherbet, Franck , Labour economics, 20 , p.3-23, 2013
Efficiency in a search and matching economy with a competitive informal sector Charlot Olivier, Malherbet Franck, Ulus, M. , Economics letters, 118 , p.192–194, 2013
Efficient Government Size : France in the 20th Century Melki Mickael, F. Facchini , European journal of political economy, 31 , p.1–14, 2013
Evolution of Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma Play under Logit Dynamics Ochea Marius-Ionut, Journal of economic dynamics and control, 37 , p.2483-2499, 2013
Exploring brand masculine patterns : Moving beyond monolithic masculinity Azar Salim, Journal of product and brand management, 22 (7), p.502 –512, 2013
French economists and the Purchasing power of money Béraud Alain, European journal of the history of economic thought, 20 , p.349-371, 2013
Heterogeneous Firms, Rules of Origin and Rules of Cumulation Bombarda Pamela, Elisa Gamberoni (World Bank) , International economic review, 54 (revised version Febr), p.307–328, 2013
Hospitalité et culture locale : deux atouts pour un tourisme responsable Mani Zied, V. Cova , Revue Maghreb-Machrek, p.3-17, 2013
Implementation of Communication Equilibria by Correlated Cheap Talk : The Two-Player Case Vida Peter, Françoise Forges , Theoretical economics, 8 , p.95-123, 2013
Intra-household discrete choice models of mode choice and residential location Picard Nathalie, A. de Palma, S. Dantan , International journal of transport economics, XL (3), p.419-445, 2013
Inventory Investment and the Business Cycle : The Usual Suspect Bec Frédérique, Mélika Ben Salem , Studies in nonlinear dynamics and econometrics, 17(3) , p.335-343, 2013
Inventory Investment Dynamics and Recoveries : A Comparison of Manufacturing and Retail Trade Sectors Bec Frédérique, M. Bessec , Economics bulletin, 33(3) , p.2209-2222, 2013
Le développement de la théorie de l’équilibre général, les apports d’Allais et de Hicks Béraud Alain, Revue economique, Disponible en ligne , 2013
L’anticipation des conséquences comme vecteur de l’intention de tri des déchets : rôle des émotions, des croyances et de leur valence Management & Avenir, N°66 , 2013
Making Project History : Revisiting the Past, Creating the Future Lenfle Sylvain, Soderlünd J. , International journal of project management, 31 (5), p.653-62, 2013
Mill, Tooke, McCulloch et la crise de 1825 Béraud Alain, Revue d’economie politique, 213 , p.237-264, 2013
On the likelihood of dummy players in weighted majority games Martin Mathieu, Fabrice Barthélémy, Dominique Lepelley , Social choice and welfare, 41 , p.263-279, 2013
Optimal portfolio positioning under ambiguity Prigent Jean-Luc, Hachmi Ben Ameur , Economic modelling, 34 , p.89-97, 2013
Pass-through of Per Unit and ad Valorem Consumption Taxes : Evidence from Alcoholic Beverages in France B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and policy, n°14 , p.1–27, 2013
Rendre compte de la rémunération des dirigeants. Qu’attendre du say on pay ? E. Ginglinger , Revue française de gestion, vol. 39 (n° 237), p.57-71, 2013
Search frictions, wage rigidities and the optimal design of unemployment insurance Albertini Julien, Xavier Fairise , Journal of economic dynamics and control, 37 (9), p.1796–1813, 2013
Social choice and cooperative games : voting games as social aggregation functions Martin Mathieu, Maurice Salles , International game theory review, 15 (3), 2013
Social Crisis Prevention : A Political Alert Index for the Israel-Palestine Conflict Picard Nathalie, A. de Palma, F. Perali, R. Ricciuti Roberto. A. Scorbureanu , Peace economics, peace science and public policy, 19 (2), p.103-122, 2013
Solving Global Warming Problems : Beyond Markets, Simple Mechanisms May Help ! Sand-Zantman Wilfried , D. Martimort , Canadian journal of economics / revue canadienne d’économie, 46 (2), 2013
Termination Fees Revisited Sand-Zantman Wilfried , B. Jullien, P. Rey , International journal of industrial organization, 31 (6), p.738-750, 2013
The advertising mix for a search good Renault Régis, Anderson, Simon P. , Management science, 59 , p.69-83, 2013
The effect of hours of work on social interaction Lamiraud Karine , H. Saffer , Review of economics of the household, 10 (2), p.237-258, 2013
The Impact of Second Loans on Subprime Mortgage Defaults Keenan Donald, Michael Eriksen, James B. Kau , Real estate economics, 41 (4), p.858-886, 2013
The Optimal Marginal Tax Rates with both Extensive and Intensive Responses Jacquet Laurence, E. Lehmann, B. Van der Linden , Journal of economic theory, 148 (5), p.1770-1805, 2013
The spending multiplier in a time of massive public debt : The Euro-area case Vranceanu Radu, Besancenot, Damien , Applied economics letters, 20 , p.758-762, 2013
The Strategic Sincerity of Approval Voting Matias Nunez , Economic theory, 56 (1), p.157-189, 2013
The value of lies in an ultimatum game with imperfect information Vranceanu Radu, Damien Besancenot, Delphine Dubart , Journal of economic behavior and organization, 93 , p.239–247, 2013
Unemployment Duration of Spouses : Evidence From France Marcassa Stefania, LABOUR: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, 28 (4), p.399-429, 2013
What drives stock return commonalities ? Evidence from France and the USA using a cross-sectional approach Mero Gulten, Jean-Jacques Lilti , Bankers, Markets and Investors, n°126 , 2013